[Full text] Rapper Leessang's side: ”Interviewed as witness in relation to Kim Ho Joong's charges...No charges, stop making speculative claims”
Rapper Leessang's side has announced their position regarding the request to serve as a witness in connection with singer Kim Ho Joong's alleged "drunk hit-and-run" offense.
On the 30th, Kil's management office MLD Entertainment stated, "Our artist Kil is the person who met Kim Ho Joong on the day of Kim Ho Joong's incident.
This has been mentioned in the media. In the process, there is a risk that inaccurate information may be conveyed, and in fact, reports and broadcasts based on speculation are being made, so we would like to state our company's position.
"I think I'll do my best to make it happen." Below is the full statement from Kill's management office MLD Entertainment: Hello. This is MLD Entertainment.
Our artist, Mr. Kil, has been mentioned in the media as the person who met Kim Ho Joong on the day of his incident.
During this process, there is a risk that inaccurate information may be spread and in fact reports and broadcasts based on speculation are being published, so we would like to state our company's position.
Mr. Gil was requested by the police to appear as a witness in relation to the charges against Mr. Kim Ho Joong, and responded to the request by providing a witness statement in accordance with his memory of the facts that artists have experienced and know.
I made all my statements. As a person whose name is well known to the public, I was well aware that the fact that I was involved in a case that was receiving public criticism could also bring criticism, so I did not want to be identified by the police.
While responding sincerely to the request of the police, I earnestly requested that they maintain secrecy regarding the fact that I am being investigated as a suspect by the police. However, contrary to the artist's wishes,
Many media outlets have mentioned Mr. Kil in relation to the Kim Ho Joong case, and there has even been speculation that Mr. Kil may have assisted Kim Ho Joong in his drunk driving.
This is a fact that Zhang also pointed out. Using the possibility as an excuse to cleverly broadcast or report false facts is causing the artist himself great pain that he cannot bear.
In relation to the case of Mr. Heojun, Mr. Gil is a witness and not a suspect, and the police have also made it clear that they have no suspicions against Mr. Gil.
We sincerely ask you to stop these reports and claims.
2024/05/30 18:28 KST
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