韓国与党「北の “汚物風船”挑発は民主党に責任あり」…「文在寅前政権の “偽装平和ショー”のせい」
South Korea's ruling party: ”The Democratic Party is responsible for the North's 'dirty balloon' provocations”... ”It's because of the former Moon Jae-in administration's 'fake peace show'”
On the 3rd, Choo Kyung-ho, floor leader of the ruling party People Power, said about North Korea's provocative acts such as dirty balloons and GPS jamming attacks, "In a normal country, this would be impossible.
"It is an unreasonable act that cannot be tolerated," and "a clear violation of the armistice agreement."
"The North Korean regime of Kim Jong Eun will have to pay a corresponding price for the provocations it has committed," he said at the meeting.
"After the failure of the military reconnaissance satellite launch on May 27, North Korean citizens' dissatisfaction was directed outward, and the discontent of our people was aroused," said Choo.
"We believe that North Korea's low-level and thoughtless provocations will never achieve their objectives and will only result in its further isolation in the international community," he said.
"The Kim regime must immediately stop its vile provocative acts, make clear its intention to prevent a recurrence, and immediately apologize to the Korean people," he added.
Jeong Jom-sik, chairman of the National Policy Committee, said, "The primary responsibility for North Korea's provocations lies with the Kim family and their followers, but the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest opposition party in South Korea, is also not responsible."
"The former Moon Jae-in administration and the Democratic Party (then ruling party) maintained a submissive attitude toward North Korea and a submissive attitude for the sake of the 'fake peace show.'
"The Democratic Party, which has brought North Korea to this point, must also break away from its subservient view of North Korea," he said. "It must thoroughly reflect on itself and be honest with the people."
"They should bow their heads and apologize. As the first and foremost party in Korea, I hope that the Democratic Party will take responsible action."
2024/06/03 17:02 KST
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