Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo: ”An impeachment election must never happen again...We must protect the Yoon Seok-yeol administration” (South Korea)
Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo said on the 3rd, referring to the 2017 presidential election in which he ran, "We must never have a presidential election like that again."
Mayor Hong wrote on social media on the same day, "The impeachment presidential election in May 2017 was a presidential election only for former President Moon Jae-in. We are a defeated party that departed with a 4% approval rating.
"The Ahn Cheol-soo Party did not catch the public's attention," he wrote. "We fought alone with a broken party, but we should not be satisfied with rebuilding a destroyed party.
It was not to be. Such a presidential election must never be held again. The suspension of constitutional government is unfortunate, but an unfair presidential election must never be held.
"We must not allow a rift to occur again," he said. "This is the biggest reason why we must join forces to protect the Yoon Seok-yeol administration. The left is different from us.
"They have become adept at division and incitement."
2024/06/03 20:52 KST
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