Will the distribution of loudspeakers and leaflets against North Korea be resumed? Rep. Kwon Young-sae of the People's Power Party proposes the first bill of the 22nd National Assembly (South Korea)
On the 3rd, Kwon Yeong-se, a ruling party lawmaker, submitted the amendment to the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act, which would allow the use of loudspeakers, electronic bulletin boards, and leaflet distribution against North Korea, to the 22nd National Assembly as its first bill.
Rep. Kwon was the first Minister of Unification in the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.
Rep. Kwon wrote on social media that the Constitutional Court had ruled that the border area should be protected under the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act in September last year.
The court also noted that the clause banning the distribution of leaflets to North Korea was deemed to excessively restrict freedom of expression, and that the ban on leaflet distribution was therefore no longer in force.
"The provisions that were invalidated due to the unconstitutional ruling will be revised, and the ban on loudspeaker broadcasting and the ban on posting visual media will be revised," Kwon said.
"The core of the amendment is to remove the ban clause," he wrote. He added, "The safety of local residents in the border area is our top priority, so we are not encouraging such behavior."
"The legislation must be corrected," he said. "In terms of guaranteeing the freedom of expression for South Korean residents and the right to know for North Korean residents, and in light of the recent North Korean missile launches and the G-1 missiles,
In the current situation where frequent provocations such as the disruption of PS (satellite navigation system) radio waves and the scattering of dirty balloons need to be dealt with appropriately, it is not advisable to continue to prohibit these acts by law and punish violations.
"It is time to look back on the path we have walked so far and seek new ways to move forward toward a unified future."
2024/06/03 20:52 KST
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