Democratic Party of Korea: ”President Yoon Seok-yeol, what we need to dig up is suspicions, not oil... ACT GEO press conference is empty” = Korea
On the 7th, the Democratic Party of Korea criticized President Yoon Seok-yeol, saying, "It's not the oil that needs to be dug up, but the suspicions that the president has exacerbated."
Roh Jong-myeon, floor spokesman for the Democratic Party of Japan, said in a commentary that afternoon, "President Yoon himself announced that the Donghae
When the nation became suspicious of ACT's oil drilling, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy stated that it needed to "gather attention and support." Why is ACT, a de facto one-person company,
Why did the government entrust the fate of a major national project to GEO? Why did the government rely on the results of that company's analysis? When we asked them to "disclose the relevant documents," they replied, "Just believe us."
"Earlier, the government said, 'Even if we fail, we need support.' These are the words of the Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy who appeared on air. 'Don't even have doubts.' 'Even if we fail, we will continue to support you.'
When did this country become a kingdom? Didn't they say, 'Keep your mouth shut about what the country does?'" Roh responded, "In the midst of this, the People's Power (ruling party) is
"The Democratic Party is raising unfounded conspiracy theories," he said. The conspiracy theories are not the work of the Democratic Party, but of President Yoon himself. It is not something that the people have taken the side of the president, but
"Even though the second National Assembly is about to begin, there are no signs of change, and it's frustrating," he said.
GEO's press conference was also empty. In response to various questions, they were given evasive replies such as, "It's classified, so we can't reveal anything."
"Why did President Yoon act so rashly when he cannot even make a statement about ACT GEO, which the president and his government praised as the best in the world?"
Spokesperson Roh said, "Can you still say that this is not a political show to change the situation? President Yoon's speech to the public on the 3rd was only announced eight minutes before.
"According to media reports, President Yoon ordered exploratory drilling immediately after making the announcement to the public.
"Either the president didn't know about it or he stepped in later to stage a political show," he said.
"This is a massive project that will involve an astronomical amount of taxpayers' money. We cannot tolerate even one suspicion. The Democratic Party of Korea will immediately set up a standing committee of the National Assembly to thoroughly investigate all the suspicious aspects," Roh said.
He emphasized.
2024/06/07 20:56 KST
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