Presidential Office: ”North Korea's dirty balloons are a psychological blow to the people... rather than shooting them down, we should retrieve them” - South Korea
On the 9th, the presidential office said, "We will install loudspeakers in North Korea and broadcast the message within today. Any future increase in tensions between the North and South Koreas will fall entirely on the North Korean side."
Presidential Spokesperson Kim Su-kyung held a briefing at the Presidential Office in Yongsan, Seoul on the same day, saying, "The government will not respond to any provocations from North Korea.
The presidential office held an emergency National Security Council (NSC) standing committee meeting that day and set up loudspeakers to broadcast to North Korea.
A presidential office official also told reporters on the same day, "As long as North Korea is clearly increasing the anxiety of the people, the government cannot remain silent.
"We decided that we had no choice but to respond strongly because it could have a psychological impact on the people," he said.
"There is a risk that the missiles could scatter in unexpected directions, so I understand they decided it would be safer to wait until they landed and then retrieve them, rather than shooting them down."
Regarding compensation for damage caused by the filthy balloons, the official said, "The matter is also progressing in the relevant departments."
Meanwhile, the Presidential Office said of President Yoon Seok-yeol's visit to Central Asia, which begins on the 10th of this month, "As a global central nation, we will expand the horizons of our people-to-people diplomacy.
President Yoon will visit Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan as a state guest from the 10th to the 16th.
2024/06/09 20:48 KST
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