South Korean ruling party lawmaker: ”We must not follow the North's provocations and the weak Moon Jae-in administration”... ”We must immediately defeat them”
On the 10th, Ahn Cheol-soo, a member of the ruling People Power Party, said, "North Korea's 'dirty balloon' provocation is a threat to Kim Jung Eun, the General Secretary of North Korea.
"It will come back to havoc," he said. On the same day, Rep. Ahn wrote on Facebook, "In reality,
"Because this is an issue that is closely related to our daily lives, it will only amplify our people's negative feelings toward North Korea and give further strength to our government's principled response," he added.
"North Korea has once again launched over 330 dirty balloons into South Korea. In response, our government has resumed loudspeaker broadcasts to North Korea," Rep. Ahn said. "We will respond firmly and principledly to North Korea's provocations.
"We need to respond. We must not repeat the mistakes of the previous Moon Jae-in administration, which showed a weak stance," he said.
"There is a risk that North Korea's provocations will continue," he said, adding, "We will take immediate action against this."
"And we need to conquer them," he wrote.
2024/06/10 16:39 KST
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