Seoul Mayor criticizes Lee Jae-myung three times in one day... ”National security is childish?” ”But you're serious about protecting yourself” = Korea
On the 10th, South Korean Mayor Oh Sehun of Seoul criticized Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the main opposition Democratic Party, three times.
Mayor Oh posted on Facebook in the afternoon that he was worried about the government's measures to resume using loudspeakers against North Korea.
In response to Lee's remarks, which he described as a "childish game of chicken," he criticized, "I couldn't believe my ears as those words came from the mouth of the leader of the largest opposition party."
Mayor Oh said, "The basic principle of national security is to respond immediately and without hesitation to any threat to the safety and lives of our people. We are in a situation where North Korea's filthy balloons have infiltrated the foundations of our people's lives."
So is it the duty of the state to take no action?" Mayor Oh also said, "Representative Lee described the South Korean side's attitude as 'abrogating the military agreement and broadcasting slanderous messages against the North.'"
"And criticized our government," he wrote, "It was as if I was reading a report from the Korean Central News Agency (North Korea's state-run news agency)."
He went on to say that adhering to the basic principles of national security is "childish" and that he
"It is Mayor Lee who is very serious about protecting himself from legal risks," he said sarcastically. This was the third statement that Mayor Oh made public on that day.
In his first and second comments, Mayor Oh said that the revisions to the party platform and rules made by the Democratic Party Supreme Committee were "solely for the benefit of Chairman Lee."
"Such blatant changing of the rules for one person is something that never happened even during the era of the Three Kims, who were known as imperial presidents," he said.
2024/06/10 17:04 KST
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