Regarding the conclusion of the allegations of Kim Kun-hee's wife receiving designer bags... Democratic Party of Korea: ”The Civil Rights Commission has fallen into the hands of the powers that be” = South Korea
The National Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission has concluded the case of President Yoon Seok-yeol's wife Kim Geon-hee's alleged gift of designer bags, finding no violations.
The Democratic Party of Korea strongly protested. On the 10th, Lee Hae-sik, the Democratic Party's chief spokesman, said at a National Assembly briefing, "Did the Anti-Bribery Commission present itself as a famous lecturer on how to get out of the anti-solicitation law?
"Even the Commission on Influence and Citizenship, which is the bastion of integrity for public officials, has fallen into the hands of power," he said. "From now on, there will be no problem if you give a bribe to the spouse of a high-ranking public official as long as it is not related to work.
"In the end, it clearly shows that the suspicions surrounding Kim Jong-un's wife cannot be overturned unless we send in a special prosecutor," he said.
He added, "We must immediately pass the 'Kim Jianxi Special Investigation Act' and investigate not only the case involving the transfer of designer bags, but also the German Motors
"We will clearly reveal all suspicions to the public, including the manipulation of stock prices and the changing of the end point of the Seoul-Yangpyeong Expressway."
2024/06/10 20:49 KST
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