SHINee's Onew, new department ”I wanted to find something completely my own”
Boy group SHINee's ONEW boasted excellent concept digestion.

 Fashion magazine ‘marie claire’ released ONEW's digital cover on the 10th. On the cover, ONEW exudes dynamic energy with sensual poses and even shows off her hip charm with a mischievous expression.

 An interview was also conducted along with the photo shoot. ONEW, who is currently preparing for his new album, recently said that by focusing on his work, "I don't hesitate to try this and that, and I'm trying to broaden my horizons. If I've been concentrating on singing, I'm now searching for instrumental sounds and sources that can be the foundation of music, and I'm trying to find harmony with my voice."

 Notifying his new start with GRIFFIN Entertainment is still an extension of the challenge for ONEW. ONEW said, ‘It seems that I started taking on challenges with the idea of taking the initiative from start to finish. I didn't want to take advantage of what was given to me, but wanted to find something completely my own,’ he revealed.

 In the 16th year since his debut, ONEW has become more mild-mannered in everything based on his accumulated experience. When asked about his musical direction, ONEW replied, "I don't know right away," but added, "I hope many people will be affected positively. I'm really happy when I hear that [I've given] people a little comfort and hope in their lives. It makes me want to try and do more. Even if I fail first, I think I can give someone else a little courage by showing them that I am willing to try."

 On the other hand, ONEW recently finished his solo fan meeting ‘2024 ONEW FANMEETING “GUESS!”’ in Korea and Japan with great success, and will continue to hold fan meetings in Macau on 23rd June, Manila on 4th July, Kaohsiung on the 13th July, Singapore on 21st July and Kuala Lumpur on 27th July. Meetings continue.
2024/06/11 14:41 KST
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