Japan again protests against South Korea's ”survey vessel activities around Takeshima” - South Korean report
On the 11th, the Japanese government announced, "We have once again confirmed and protested against the marine survey activities by South Korean research vessels around Takeshima (Korean name: Dokdo, Liancourt Rocks) following the 6th of this month."
That night, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, "Following on the 6th, a vessel bearing the same designation again conducted a survey in our EEZ (exclusive economic zone) south of Takeshima.
The Japanese patrol boat also reportedly sent a radio message to the South Korean research vessel, Haeundae 2000, requesting that it halt its investigation.
On the same day, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Director-General of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, Hiroyuki Namazu, had informed Kim Jang-hyun, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Korean Embassy in Japan,
Taisuke Iku, deputy chief of mission at the Japanese Embassy in Korea, conveyed his protest to Seo Min JEONG, director-general of the Asia-Pacific Bureau, demanding that the investigation be stopped.
On the 6th of this month, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the South Korean research vessel "Hyogo 2000" had conducted a marine survey around Takeshima.
In response, Japan protested to the South Korean government, saying, "It is unacceptable that a survey was conducted in Japan's EEZ without Japan's prior consent."
The Japanese government, which claims Takeshima as its territory, has warned that South Korea will conduct maritime surveys around the islands.
In response, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dismissed Japan's claims, saying that "maritime surveys around Liancourt Rocks are legitimate activities."
2024/06/12 08:09 KST
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