”Is he really a member of the National Assembly?” ... Reports of Lee Jun-seok, a member of the Reform Party, sleeping on the subway spread in South Korea
Reviews of seeing New Reform Party lawmaker Lee Jun-seok asleep on the subway are spreading among online communities.
On the 13th, an online community posted a photo of Rep. Lee, wearing a navy blue suit, asleep on a subway seat.
The photo was posted. Rep. Lee was seen sleeping while leaning on the passenger next to him, with his bag and cell phone in hand. The post was later deleted, but the photo was captured and posted online.
It was shared online and became a hot topic. Although the exact location of the photo is unknown, some residents responded by saying that it was probably taken with a GTX.
Rep. Lee has been commuting to work by public transportation since he was the leader of the People Power Party (the ruling party).
Since his days as the representative of the People's Power Party, Rep. Lee has commuted to and from the National Assembly by subway or Seoul's public bicycle, the "Daerungi."
The two Ionics were used, and there were no other cars in the office of the assemblyman. In particular, Rep. Lee said that he has no plans to use the office vehicle in the future.
Supporters who saw the photo of Rep. Lee expressed doubts, asking, "Is he really a member of the National Assembly?" and "Is it wrong to see him using public transportation?"
Responses included, "That's good," "He seems very tired from all his parliamentary activities," "I wish he would hire an official car and driver," and "How many Diet members commute to and from work by public transport together with the citizens?"
Some internet users expressed concern that "she may come across a large number of people who dislike her on the subway, putting her in danger."
2024/06/13 20:52 KST
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