South Korean government: ”Exchanges and cooperation between Russia and North Korea should contribute to compliance with the Security Council and peace on the Korean Peninsula”
With Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea approaching, the South Korean government has stated that "exchanges and cooperation between Russia and North Korea will comply with UN Security Council resolutions and contribute to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula."
At a regular press conference on the 13th, a spokesman for the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "The government is closely monitoring the progress of President Putin's preparations for his visit to North Korea," but added, "There are no concrete plans."
"We don't think it's appropriate for us to comment on the exact schedule," said a senior official from the South Korean presidential office who is accompanying South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol on his state visit to Kazakhstan.
"President Putin's visit to North Korea is just a few days away, and diplomatic, security and strategic dialogue between South Korea and China will take place around the same time," he said on the 12th (local time).
Regarding communication between South Korea and Russia, a spokesman for the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "Communication between South Korea and Russia regarding the Korean Peninsula issue is being maintained.
Regarding the report that "North Korea and Japan had contact in Mongolia in the middle of last month," he said, "We have not confirmed whether this is true or not.
The government is in close communication with Japan regarding the North Korean nuclear issue, including contact between Japan and North Korea. "Contact between Japan and North Korea will contribute to the denuclearization of North Korea and peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula," he said.
It has to be done in one direction."
2024/06/13 17:05 KST
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