The most popular president is ”Roh Moo-hyun”, the second is ”Park Chung-hee”...what about 0 votes? = South Korea
The results of a public opinion poll were announced on the 12th, stating that "Roh Moo-hyun is the president that Koreans like the most." The poll was conducted by the Korean polling organization "Gallup Korea" from March 22 to April 5.
The results of a survey conducted on 1,777 men and women aged 13 and above (excluding Jeju) on "who is their favorite past president?" were announced.
When asked "Who is your favorite past president?", the most popular answer was "Roh Moo-hyun" (31%).
In second place was "Park Chung-hee" (24%), and in third place was "Kim Dae-jung" (15%), with these top three accounting for 70% of all responses.
Next are Moon Jae-in (9%), Yoon Seok-yeol (2.9%), Lee Seung-man (2.7%) and Park Geun-hye (
Names that were mentioned included "Park Geun-hye" (2.4%), "Lee Myung-bak" (1.6%), "Kim Young-sam" (1.2%) and "Roh Tae-woo" (0.4%).
In addition, 9.8% of respondents said they had no favorite president. Among the 13 past presidents, 9.8% said they had no favorite president, while 9.8% said they had no favorite president, and 9.8% said they had no favorite president.
By age, around 40% of those in their 20s to 50s named former President Roh Moo-hyun, while 49% of those over 60 named former President Park.
He named the former president, Masahisa Jeong-hee.
2024/06/14 07:54 KST
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