”Why is that?” - Kim Dae-jung's name written on the exterior wall of an apartment building undergoing repainting (South Korea)
The name of the late former president Kim Dae-jung was written in large letters (in Hangul) on the exterior wall of an apartment building in Osan, Gyeonggi Province, sparking controversy among residents.
The 1,100-unit apartment building, located near Osandai Station, is undergoing exterior repainting work for 50 days starting from the 1st of this month.
At the time, paint was being applied randomly here and there to prepare the building for painting on a building-by-building basis.
However, one building had "Kim Dae-jung" written in light orange. Some residents who witnessed this posted on the apartment complex's online community
They also posted notices on the building's exterior, such as "Why is that happening while you're painting the exterior wall?", and requested the management office to investigate and take action.
The letters were written by a worker from the construction company that undertook the repainting work.
However, the paint was quickly removed. Paint was then added over the area, and the letters are now blurred.
Internet users had mixed opinions about this. Some said, "It seems like he's overly political,"
"It's a nuisance to the residents," he said. On the other hand, he said, "He's a former president, so I understand why they painted him like that," and "It's going to be covered up with other paint anyway, so I don't think they should have painted it like that."
There were also opinions such as, "Should we not do this?"
2024/06/13 20:52 KST
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