Intellectually disabled person ”gaslights” building owner to death... Prosecutors and defendant both appeal case (South Korea)
A first-instance verdict has been handed down for a suspect named Kim (32 years old) who was arrested on suspicion of murder for stabbing and killing a building owner multiple times on the rooftop of a building in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, the capital of South Korea.
However, both the prosecution and the defendant appealed the ruling. According to the Seoul Southern District Court, on the 4th of last month, the 15th Criminal Division (Chief Judge Yang Hwang-seong)
Kim was sentenced to 15 years in prison and ordered to be on probation for five years. The Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office, which had sought a 20-year sentence, filed an appeal on the 10th of last month, dissatisfied with the first-instance ruling.
It was also reported that Kim's side has filed an appeal with the court. The court stated, "The defendant stabbed the victim multiple times and brutally killed her simply because he had developed feelings of resentment towards her.
"The victim ended her life in extreme pain, and her family suffered wounds that will never heal," he said. However, the court ruled that "albeit belatedly, he regretted and reflected on his mistake."
"He appeared to be in a difficult position and we took into consideration that he did not plan and execute the crimes on his own initiative, but rather acted on the instructions of an instigator who took advantage of his intellectual disability," the judge said in his reasons for the sentence.
Kim, who is intellectually disabled, was indicted on charges of repeatedly stabbing an 80-year-old building owner to death on the roof of a building in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul in November last year.
Kim worked as a parking attendant at a motel located next to the victim's building and was the owner of the motel.
The victim was allegedly subjected to long-term psychological control (gaslighting) by a man named Cho (44 years old), who committed the crime. Cho harbored a grudge against the victim due to a dispute over redevelopment, and approached Kim.
He is accused of instigating murder.
2024/06/14 05:59 KST
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