Lee Seung Gi's side expresses position on overturning and remanding of father-in-law's acquittal for stock price manipulation: ”Don't touch my family”
Lee Seung Gi's side made a statement regarding the decision to overturn the acquittal of his father-in-law for stock price manipulation. On the 16th, Lee Seung Gi's management office Big Planet
Made Entertainment said in an official press release, "Our artist Lee Seung Gi has decided to focus solely on his work as an actor and singer.
We would like to make it clear that we will provide full support so that he can concentrate on his work." "As an artist celebrating his 20th debut anniversary, we are working hard to get closer to his fans.
"For his sake, we sincerely ask that you refrain from mentioning his family," the statement continued. "As the head of another family, a husband, and a father of one child, Lee Seung Gi is
He is fulfilling his responsibilities as the son-in-law of the family. Lee Seung Gi's father-in-law and mother-in-law also became the grandparents of the newborn. In particular, this incident occurred before Lee Seung Gi was married, and the family
"It is an issue that must be resolved," and "We will take even stronger measures at the management office level against false news and malicious derogatory comments against Lee Seung Gi and his family in the future.
"I would like to reiterate that we will take legal action." Earlier on the same day, news broke that the acquittal of Lee Seung Gi's father-in-law and actress Gyeon Mi Ri's husband had been overturned.
2024/06/16 14:30 KST
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