On the 16th, KBS 2TV variety show "Superman Returns" aired, and Choi Min Hwan and his 7-year-old son Chae Yul and 2
Choi Min Hwan said, "Chae Yul seems to be under a lot of stress lately," and added, "The twins are still young, so they don't know the concept of divorce.
But Chaeyul knew everything. So I think she is a little more interested in Ah-yoon Ah-rin (Chaeyul's twin sister)."
"I have more special feelings for Chae Yul than for my sisters," he said, "I feel sorry and grateful, and I feel encouraged, but I also feel that I need to talk to her a lot because she is still a child.
"I want Chae Yul to talk about any lingering feelings or worries she has, so I'm trying to create lots of time for just the two of them."
However, Chae Yul felt lonely because she didn't have any sisters. Choi Min Hwan said, "Ayoon
"Isn't it better that Ah Rin wasn't there because she was tiring you out? Is it better to be with your family?" Chae Yul nodded. Choi Min Hwan said, "I'm glad that you're here.
"I was surprised because I thought he would say he was happy because he always said that," he said. Meanwhile, Choi Min Hwan is a former member of the girl group LABOUM in 2018, and YULHEE
They got married and had three children. However, in December of last year, five years after their marriage, they divorced. Choi Min Hwan was awarded custody of the children.
2024/06/17 19:32 KST
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