韓国野党議員「『Dog』は前からメディアにつけられた “あだ名”」…李在明代表を「擁護」
Korean opposition lawmaker: ”'Dog' has been a nickname given to me by the media for a long time”... ”Defending” Lee Jae-myung
On the 18th, Choo Mi-ae, a member of the opposition Democratic Party of Korea, wrote on social media, "'Dog' was a nickname given to me by the media for a long time."
This is believed to be a defense of the party's leader, Lee Jae-myung, who called him a "dog lapdog of the prosecution" in a statement to the media last week.
On the same day, Rep. Chu wrote on social media, "The media must take action.
"They ask questions and pursue them, but if they don't answer or get it wrong, they bite," he wrote.
Is it a media 'dog' or a lap dog that is not functioning as a media?
"Before expressing anger, the obvious thing the media should do is ask questions that raise only questions that cannot exclude reasonable doubt," he added.
On the afternoon of the 14th, while attending a trial on the Public Offices Election Act at the Seoul Central District Court, Lee announced in front of reporters that the prosecution had re-indicted him on charges of the so-called "Sangbangul to North Korea remittances."
Lee stated, "Instead of reporting the truth, you are just taking the information you've been given and falsifying it like you're a pet dog of the prosecution.
"Why are such people being protected? It is not because of the media's wrong attitude that is out of line with its original role, but because democracy has collapsed and the truth has sunk to the bottom of the sea.
He directly criticized the media, saying, "I hope that the prosecution will fulfill its role in the future." After that, after Lee's use of the term "the prosecution's lapdog" caused controversy, the Democratic Party lawmakers
They quickly defended Lee's remarks and began criticizing the media.
2024/06/18 16:49 KST
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