”Is it Japan's fault?”... Comfort women statue in Germany at risk of being ”removed” = Korean report
The Statue of Peace (comfort women statue) in Berlin, Germany, is facing the threat of removal. The Mitte district office of Berlin announced this on the 18th (local time) to the South Korean news agency Yonhap News.
"The special permission (for the comfort women statue) has been extended considerably, and we are now in a situation where we are accepting it on the condition that the wording of the inscription is revised," he said, adding, "Because this agreement has failed, we will not be able to extend the permission any further."
The inscription on the comfort women statue reads, "During World War II, the Japanese military forcibly took women throughout Asia and the Pacific as sex slaves, and we are working to prevent the recurrence of such war crimes.
"We pay tribute to the courage of the survivors who are campaigning for the cause," the note reads. It also adds that the donation was made by the Justice and Remembrance Solidarity, a former comfort women support group.
The Mitte district office also raised concerns about the failure to inform people in advance of the content of the inscription when the comfort women statue was erected in September 2020, and ordered its removal.
In response, the Korea Council, a German civic group, filed an application for disposition with the court, which put the order on hold and extended the special permission until September 28, 2022.
The Mitte district office's position is that "the comfort women statue has been installed in a public place without legal grounds because the special permit expired."
"Once the month-long acceptance period has passed, the Korea Council will receive a request from the Mitte district office to remove the sign," the statement said. However, the Korea Council's position is different.
"The Mitte district office has never properly requested any discussions," they claim, "and we are already ready to enter into discussions, including revising the wording, and we do not want the building to be removed."
The mayor of Berlin, who visited Japan last month, has suggested removing the statue, saying, "There should be no more one-sided expressions," but civic groups say, "The city is interfering in the administration of the district office.
On the 20th of this month, the Mitte district council submitted a draft resolution to the Mitte district office to "guarantee the permanent preservation of the comfort women statue and to this end, call for dialogue with the Berlin city authorities."
The Mitte district council has previously passed several resolutions to retain the bill, but they are not legally binding.
2024/06/19 16:58 KST
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