”Is Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, my father? ... Lee Jae-myung should quit politics,” Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon criticizes (South Korea)
Seoul Mayor Oh Sehun criticized Democratic Party Supreme Committee member Kang Min-gu for calling Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung the "father of the Democratic Party."
On the 20th, Mayor Wu wrote on Facebook, "I noticed Lee Jae-myung's reaction to the flattery that 'the father of the Democratic Party of Korea is Chairman Lee Jae-myung.' Any person with common sense would not have responded to such flattery that would end up harming the party and himself."
"I'm sure Lee Jae-myung would have immediately corrected his previous remarks. Surprisingly, Lee Jae-myung has not done anything yet," he said. "Looking at this 'father remark,' I think we should bow even to the dust that falls from the car of those in power.
The word "haijin," which means to worship the dust, came to mind. Just how far must the political standard of this country fall?"
"Chairman Lee Jae-myung knows better than anyone that he is in a situation where he could end up in prison at any time.
In this situation, treating the Democratic Party of Korea as if it were the sole leadership of North Korea is an expression of impatience, nothing more and nothing less."
"The Democratic Party of Korea, Korean politics, and the entire country have lost their dignity because of one person, Lee Jae-myung, who is a criminal defendant," said Wu.
Far from having any desire for the presidency, it would be best for him and the people to quit politics altogether now," he said sarcastically.
2024/06/20 20:57 KST
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