South Korean citizen rescues bus driver who collapses after his head lurches while driving
In South Korea, a bus driver suddenly fainted and collapsed in the driver's seat during rush hour, but members of the public responded quickly and prevented any further injuries.
On the 20th, the National Police Agency posted on its official YouTube channel a video of a recent incident that occurred on a road in Michuhol-gu, Incheon.
The video shows a bus driver, Mr. A, who was driving around the time of his commute home, suddenly lowering his head as if he had become dizzy.
He regained his composure and grabbed the wheel, but after a while he lowered his head again and was unable to hold his body up. Then, the bus came to a halt with a bang, and the surprised passengers slid out one by one.
They got up from their seats and gathered around Mr. A. When one of the passengers asked Mr. A if he was okay, he replied, "I'm okay, I'm just going to rest for a little while."
However, the passengers who sensed something was wrong said, "Come on out and stay with us."
The passengers helped Mr. A, who was staggering, and watched over him until the ambulance arrived. At that time, Mr. A was losing consciousness due to sudden hypoglycemic shock.
When you are in a state of hypoglycemia, there is a lack of glucose going to the brain and nervous system, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness, loss of consciousness, elevated blood pressure, palpitations, and cold sweats.
Mr. A was safely taken to the hospital by emergency personnel dispatched to the scene after receiving the call, and is now said to be recovering.
However, at that time, there was a problem with a bus parked in the middle of the road. It was after work hours and the roads were crowded.
On a narrow two-lane road, a bus was blocking the right-turn lane, making it difficult for vehicles to pass through.
The situation was becoming a threat to the safety of pedestrians passing by. Police officers arrived and tried to move the bus, but the bus was filled with air, making even this difficult.
The police decided to deflate the bus and search for someone in the area who could drive it. Fortunately, a citizen who could drive the bus appeared and took the bus to a safe place.
"If the passengers had left the scene (to board another bus), the bus driver's life would have been in danger," said Na Ho-seong, a police inspector at Incheon Michuhol Police Station.
"The situation was so serious that we thought he might die. The people at the scene helped him, and the ambulance staff and other related parties provided thorough treatment, so Mr. A's health has improved."

2024/06/21 21:07 KST
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