Popular Korean beef restaurant ”reuses leftovers” in Gwangju, South Korea
A popular Korean beef restaurant in Gwangju, South Korea, was caught by the local district office after it reused leftover food from customers for other customers.
On the 21st, the Buk-gu district of Gwangju announced that it had inspected the hygiene of a restaurant owned by a famous butcher and found numerous violations of the Food Sanitation Act.
Restaurant A has been in business for nearly 30 years and has been chosen as one of the most famous and popular restaurants in Gwangju, where locals and tourists line up to eat. Its daily sales are 7 million won.
However, Restaurant A served leftovers from customers, such as kimchi, sesame oil, and gochujang, to other customers, and used buchimgae flour and kelp stock to make other customers' meals.
It was also revealed that the restaurant had stored expired food ingredients in the kitchen, had not cleaned the cooking area properly, and had expanded its business area without permission.
The details were also reported on the TV show JTBC's "Case Chief." A former employee of the restaurant told the "Case Chief" that "they were using word of mouth.
With the exception of utensils and chopsticks that cannot be chewed, you can assume that everything served is reused," he revealed, and provided secretly filmed footage as evidence.
The former employee said, "Leeks are served as lightly pickled vegetables. The ones left over from the day are also served as lightly pickled vegetables, but more surprising
The thing to do is to wash what is left over at the end of the day with water and use it the next day. Then, "Wash the sonji (solidified cow's blood) with water and pour water over it in a wide container to separate the meat and sonji.
He shocked everyone by revealing that "some things will be provided free of charge, such as re-boiled omasum. All food waste will be recycled."
Since then, stories of customers who had experienced food poisoning and stomach pains after eating at Restaurant A have also attracted attention online.
The local government confirmed that the restaurant operator admitted to the charges and decided to suspend business or impose fines on the 22nd.
In addition to the administrative punishment, the company plans to refer the case to the public prosecutor's office on suspicion of violating the Food Sanitation Act.
2024/06/21 21:38 KST
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