次期大統領選有力候補6人のうち “好感度”1位は「呉世勲ソウル市長」=韓国
Among the six leading candidates for the next presidential election, Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon has the highest favorability rating = South Korea
The results of a public opinion poll announced on the 22nd showed that among the six politicians considered to be leading candidates in South Korea's next presidential election, Seoul Mayor Oh Sehun received the highest favorability rating.
According to a survey on the favorability of six major politicians conducted by the Korean polling organization "Gallup Korea" from the 18th to the 20th of this month among 1,002 men and women aged 18 and over,
Mayor Oh had the highest number of votes at 36%, followed by Cho Kuk, chairman of the Fatherland Reform Party (35%), Lee Jae Myung, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea (33%), and Han Dong-hee, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea (34%).
Han Dong-hoon, former chairman of the emergency response committee of the ruling party's People Power Party (31%), Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo (30%), and Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the New Reform Party (27%).
The order was: None of the six were favorable or unfavorable, but all were unfavorable or unfavorable at over 50%. The most unfavorable was CEO Lee Jun-seok (61%). Continued
Mayor Hong received 60%, while Chairman Lee Jae-myung and former Chairman Han were tied at 58%, Chairman Cho received 54%, and Mayor Oh received 50%.
2024/06/22 08:00 KST
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