South Korean Foreign Minister: ”We will respond firmly to the North Korean threat through cooperation between the US, South Korea, Japan, the US and South Korea”
South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yol, who is visiting the United States, emphasized on the 21st (local time) that "in response to the conclusion of the treaty between Russia and North Korea, we have decided to cooperate closely with the United States and Japan through timely consultations."
At a correspondent meeting held at the US Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York on the same day, Foreign Minister Cho said that Russia and North Korea have strengthened military and economic cooperation through the "Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership."
Regarding the decision to strengthen cooperation, he said, "I spoke with the foreign ministers of the United States and Japan by telephone and intensively discussed how to respond to the Russia-North Korea summit."
In telephone talks with his Japanese and U.S. counterparts, Foreign Minister Cho stressed the "threat of North Korea."
"We have decided to cooperate closely to strengthen the robust ROK-U.S. alliance and ROK-U.S.-Japan security cooperation while responding to these issues and to lead the international community in responding resolutely to these issues," he said.
"I think it's significant that we were able to send a strong message through close cooperation through these two consultations," Cho said.
He held telephone conferences with U.S. Secretary of State Joseph Lam and Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa to discuss how to respond to the Russia-North Korea summit.
2024/06/22 16:38 KST
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