North Korean troops may be ”dispatched” to Russia-occupied areas of Ukraine... South Korea's National Intelligence Service ”closely monitoring developments”
With Russia and North Korea effectively “restoring their military alliance” through the signing of the “Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” South Korean intelligence officials have warned that North Korea’s “dispatch of troops to Ukraine”
On the 22nd, South Korea's National Intelligence Service said, "We are closely monitoring developments regarding the signing of a treaty between Russia and North Korea, which includes content that amounts to a military alliance."
One possible scenario for military cooperation between Russia and North Korea is that North Korean troops would be deployed to help Russia restore the areas of Ukraine it occupies.
"The possibility of North Korean troops being deployed to areas that Russia has occupied and annexed, such as Zaporizhia, and declared as its own territory has increased."
Han Seung-soo, an advanced research fellow at the Korean government think tank "Institute for National Unification," said
"I believe the primary purpose of the Russia-North Korea treaty is to justify the two countries' illegal cooperation regarding the war in Ukraine," he said in an interview with Russian media.
He added, "Before the signing of the Russo-North Korean Treaty, it was just an idea in the imagination, but now it has become a realistic scenario."
[Disclaimer] In WoW! Korea, the spelling of the capital of Ukraine will be changed from "Kiev" to "Kiiv". Other place names have also been written in Russian pronunciation.
But it matches the Ukrainian pronunciation.
2024/06/22 17:04 KST
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