Professors at Seoul University Hospital decide to ”suspend closure of clinics”... ”We cannot ignore the harm to patients” = Korea
Professors at Seoul National University Hospital in South Korea have decided to suspend the "indefinite closure" that had continued for five days from the 17th. The Seoul National University College of Medicine and Seoul National University Hospital Professors Council Emergency Response Committee
The decision was made on the 21st after a vote was held among professors at the University Hospital, Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul Boramae Hospital, and Seoul National University Hospital Gangnam Center.
As a result of the poll, 698 out of 948 respondents (73.6%) answered that "the closures should be stopped and we should start resisting in a sustainable way."
In addition, 55.4% answered that "solidarity with the entire medical system is necessary," and 65.6% of professors said, "We need to adjust working hours to a sustainable and appropriate level, taking into account the safety of patients and medical staff."
Meanwhile, patients are increasingly calling for the decision to suspend operations to be rescinded, and the Korean Patients' Association will hold a "group closure of doctors' offices" event on the morning of the 4th of next month in Jongno-gu, Seoul.
They have announced that they will hold a "general patient rally calling for the withdrawal of the diagnosis and the enactment of laws to prevent recurrence."
2024/06/22 17:05 KST
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