”Loyalty competition for Lee Jae-myung's bulletproof record”... People Power strongly criticizes the Democratic Party for passing the exclusive bill to investigate the special investigation by Corporal Choi (South Korea)
On the 22nd, the People's Power Party (ruling party) stated, "The Democratic Party held an exclusive legislative hearing on the previous day at the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee to enact the so-called 'Private Choi Special Prosecutor Act' and passed the special prosecutor's law.
Heo Jun-seok, spokesman for the People's Power Party, said in a commentary on the same day, "It's a so-called bodyguard, a guard unit for Lee Jae-myung's bulletproof defense."
The loyalty contest between the soldiers is getting more intense day by day,” he said. The Democratic Party of Korea held a general meeting in the late afternoon after the legislative hearing on the special prosecution bill for Private Choi, which was held at Exclusive the previous day.
The special counsel bill was passed unanimously. The People Power Party did not participate. In response, spokesman Hu said, "The special counsel bill that was passed requires that the special counsel candidates be nominated by the Democratic Party and the Fatherland Reform Party.
"The poisonous clauses in the special investigation bill submitted to the National Assembly have become even stricter," he said. "Although a bill to enact legislation normally requires a 20-day deliberation period, this one was proposed without going through this period.
It passed at lightning speed just 22 days after the emergency order was issued by Lee Jae-myung Republic, and the growing loyalty competition among the guards is the current address of the No. 1 opposition party in the Republic of Korea.
In addition, the Democratic Party of Korea called former Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-seop and former commander of the 1st Marine Division Lim Seong-geun as witnesses the previous day and held a hearing, and the Democratic Party of Korea lawmakers
"Their attitude was arrogant. Their basic attitude towards the witnesses was 'intimidation' and 'ridicule.'" He continued, "They held the hearing under Exclusive's free reign, but...
The public watched in real time as Democratic Party lawmakers were hell-bent on attacking the witnesses for over two hours.
"The heavy-handed attitude of the Democratic Party lawmakers, who have deliberately brought this case into the political arena and are now attacking the witnesses, is simply a 'loyalty contest' towards the party leader in the eyes of the public," he said.
Regarding the Democratic Party's push for impeachment against the top prosecutors who led the investigation into Lee, including the Sanbang-ul to North Korea remittance case, Ho said, "This is a typical example of the Lee Jae-myung era.
This is an abuse of legislative power for the sake of public bulletproofing."
2024/06/22 20:33 KST
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