北朝鮮の “汚物風船”から「寄生虫」が発見=韓国
”Parasites” discovered in North Korea's ”filthy balloon” = South Korea
An analysis of the "filth balloons" that North Korea has dropped toward South Korea four times since May 28 has revealed that "parasites" are found in the soil contained within the filth.
On the 24th, the South Korean government announced the results of an analysis of the contents of the filthy balloons conducted in collaboration with relevant agencies.
According to the South Korean Ministry of Unification, roundworms, whipworms, and feces are found in the soil contained in the waste.
Parasites such as nematodes were found. The South Korean government said, "Since human genes were also found in the soil, it is possible that these parasites originated from human feces."
These parasites are mainly found in countries with poor sanitation standards, as they result from unsanitary living conditions where human waste is used as fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizers.
However, the South Korean government said, "The amount of soil sprayed this time was small, and was collected and managed by our military, so there are no concerns about land contamination or infectious diseases caused by the sprayed waste.
"We will make the decision accordingly," he added.
2024/06/24 16:59 KST
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