South Korean opposition party: ”Japan is disrupting the comfort women statue”... ”The South Korean government must not let this happen”
On the 24th, South Korean opposition parties including the Democratic Party of Korea (DPJ) issued a statement regarding the installation of a comfort woman statue in Stintino, Italy, on the island of Sardinia, saying, "South Korea
The government must not tolerate the obstruction by the Japanese government." Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party, said at the party's highest committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the same day that the government will set up a joint venture with the Japanese government on the island of Sardinia.
Regarding the comfort women statue that was installed, he said, "I hope that it will become a sacred place of peace where many people, regardless of nationality, will visit and remember anew the meaning of peace and human rights."
He also said, "What is unfortunate is that Japan has obstructed and opposed the installation of the comfort women statue. The government should no longer ignore Japan's actions.
"We will not be able to protect the human rights of comfort women," said Go Min Jeon, the party's supreme council member, in response to Mayor Stintino's displeasure with Japan's actions.
"Politicians from the Republic of Korea government have risen up," he said, pointing out, "Where is the government of the Republic of Korea?" A spokesman for the Fatherland Reform Party also commented, "Japan will obstruct any movement to erect a comfort women statue and will not tolerate its erection.
"South Korea is mobilizing its diplomatic power to remove the comfort women statues," he said, claiming, "This is due to the aid and abetment of President Yoon Seok-yeol."
He continued, "The Fatherland Reform Party will stand in solidarity with conscientious people around the world and protect the comfort women statues that the Yoon government has abandoned," and "The comfort women statues are in danger of being abandoned in Korea.
"We will work hard to ensure that it is recognized as a symbol not only across borders but throughout the world."
2024/06/25 08:06 KST
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