「Candy Shop」、「H1-KEY」、「tripleS」...メッセージ性の高い”中小ドル”たちの新曲 「Candy Shop」
”Candy Shop”, ”H1-KEY”, ”tripleS”...New songs by small and medium-sized idol groups with strong messages
"Small and medium-sized idols (idols from small and medium-sized entertainment agencies)" girl groups are attracting attention by promoting music with strong messages.
Unlike idols, it is difficult to invest large amounts of capital in promotions, but they are able to create a “chat” through viral music that touches the hearts of a wide range of listeners with their music that has a message.
The team that has incorporated the message "You're not alone" into the new song is Brave Entertainment, led by the "hit song maker" Brave Brothers.
The new girl group "Candy Shop" is a trendy song with the message "Let's overcome difficulties and create a shining summer day together."
They are promoting the soothing summer song "Don't Cry" as the title track of their comeback album and are receiving a good response.
A refreshing and sensual sound, with brave brothers and singer-songwriter YOUHA
The music video is a perfect match for the emotional lyrics that the group has created. The video depicts students who are suffering from school violence and bullying coming together to overcome their difficult situations and live bright summer days.
The song is packed with a story that will make you enjoy listening to it, and it is highly immersive. GLG's girl group H1-KEY has released their new song "Let It Go."
"Let It Burn" is a groovy boom bap hip hop song with a rough rock sound.
The song was written by combining the band's vocals and lyrics. It has a rough rock sound with lyrics that scream, "If it's lukewarm, let's get hotter." Member Wheeso said at the comeback showcase, "It's just a gentle song.
"The theme of the video is to love not only my normal self, but also my rebellious side, because they are a part of me," she explained. "The main focus of the video is on the image of 'H1-KEY,' who has given comfort and hope up until now."
"I've shown you the rebellious 'H1-KEY' in the past, so you should enjoy watching it this time," he said, giving you some points to watch. "H1-KEY" sent the message last year that "the important thing is an unyielding spirit."
With the song "Rose Blossom," which was a song that attracted attention for its rich lyrics, the group made a comeback on the music charts. Now, they are once again resonating with listeners with their music and aiming to conquer the charts.
The new song "Let It Burn" was completed in collaboration with Hong Ji-sang, the lyricist and composer of "Rose Blossom".
Recently, a small-to-medium-sized idol group that has been successful with music with a message is "tripleS" from Mode House. "tripleS" is a group of 24 people.
The title song of their first album, "Girls Never Die," has been making a comeback on major music charts and is gaining popularity by staying within the charts.
The hit song "Girls Never Die" is about the determination of girls who never give up even in the face of hardship and difficulties. The lyrics are encouraging and shout "Let's try again".
This is the highlight of the video. Looking at the comments section of the "Girls Never Die" music video posted on the "tripleS" official YouTube channel, the message
You can feel the power of a certain music. In the comment section, there are comments such as "Yes, I will try again. Thank you girls," "Youth is not just bright. Youth is not about embracing depression without denying it.
There has to be a spring. Triple S seems to be the group that shows us this," and other messages from fans who have been inspired by the song have been posted in the comments.
Mode House producer Jayden Chung wrote on his blog, "Girls Never Die
In a statement introducing the song as a dedication to someone who is now 20 years old, he confessed his memories of being in his 20s when he was about to give up, and the song has gained sympathy.
2024/06/26 06:34 KST
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