地球温暖化の主犯 “牛・豚”に結局「おなら税」=デンマーク
Denmark imposes ”fart tax” on cows and pigs, the main culprits of global warming
Farmers in Denmark, a dairy powerhouse, will be the first in the world to pay a "fart tax" as early as 2030.
According to Bloomberg News and other sources, the Danish government has announced that it will ban the sale of cattle and pigs from 2030.
"We have decided to impose a tax of 300 kroner (about 6,934 yen) on every tonne of carbon dioxide emitted by livestock such as cattle," the ministry said in a statement.
This would result in a tax of around 100 euros (about 17,240 yen) per cow per year.
The Danish government is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.8 million tons by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through the introduction of a carbon tax on agriculture.
Meanwhile, New Zealand, which has a similar industrial structure to Denmark, is also considering a similar bill.
2024/07/01 08:08 KST
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