≪中華ドラマNOW≫「玉面桃花 〜福を呼ぶ契約結婚〜」10話、胡嬌と許清嘉が遅文俊の行方を調査するため石羊寨を訪れる=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”The Peach Blossom of a Beautiful Woman” EP10, Hu Jiao and Xu Qingjia visit Shiyang Village to investigate the whereabouts of Chi Wenjun = Synopsis / Spoilers
*This article contains spoilers. In the Chinese TV series "Peach Blossoms: A Contract Marriage of Good Fortune" episode 10, Hu Jiao and Xu Qingjia are late.
The story depicts a visit to Shiyang Village to investigate the whereabouts of Wenjun (Qi Wenjun). Hu Jiao and Xu Qingjia decide to search for Wenjun's whereabouts. Hu Jiao is the first to know the location.
In order to secure the prisoner's safety, they followed the prisoner transport vehicle and sent a carrier pigeon to inform Xu Qingjia of its location. When Hu Jiao followed the prisoner transport vehicle into Shiyang Village, a man called out to her.
Hu Jiao hurriedly introduced herself as a county official and said that she had come to inspect the farmland. When she was with the man, Hu Jiao was surprised to find
Hu Jiao spots a man who looks like Chi Wenjun. He approaches to confirm whether it is him, but is stopped by a man. When Hu Jiao persistently asks the man about Chi Wenjun, the man tells him that Chi Wenjun is a miner working here.
He said he was working as a laborer. Meanwhile, Xu Qingjia, who had come on an inspection tour, used his ingenuity to solve the problem of an old man whose fields were about to be taken away.
While eating grass mochi with (Yongshou) on the roadside, he discovers Eiju secretly wiping away tears. Eiju tells him a story about a person who benefactored him when he was young. He also tells him that the benefactor's surname was "Xu".
When Yongshou noticed that Xu Qingjia's surname was also "Xu," he realized that Xu Qingjia was the son of his benefactor.
2024/07/02 20:09 KST
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