≪中華ドラマNOW≫「玉面桃花 〜福を呼ぶ契約結婚〜」11話、帰徳大将軍である崔泰と協力することにした許清嘉=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”The Beautiful Flower of Love” EP11, Xu Qingjia decides to cooperate with General Qi De, Choi Tae = Synopsis / Spoilers
*This article contains spoilers. In the Chinese TV series "Peach Blossom ~ Contract Marriage ~" EP11, the protagonist decides to cooperate with General Cui Tai, who is a great general of the Chinese empire.
The story depicts the situation of Xu Qingjia, who was captured by Colonel Cui Wulan of the Xuanjie Army. Hu Jiao and Xu Qingjia were taken to the barracks of General Cui Tai, who was the commander of the Guiding Command.
Choi Tae, who hated evildoing, became suspicious of the two men's recent actions and took them to the barracks. Heo Ching-jia told Choi Tae that he was acting in this way to expose the evildoings of County Magistrate Chu.
After he explained honestly, Cui Tai was so impressed that he offered to cooperate with Xu Qingjia. Cui Tai told Xu Qingjia that if he could get solid evidence, he would ask King Ning (Wang Ruolin) to help him arrest Zhu County Magistrate.
He advised her that she could do it and told her to return to Shangyong the next day. However, later on, Choi Go-Rang came to help and overheard her about the contract marriage. Hu Jiao hurriedly told Choi Go-Rang
He told Xu Qingjia that he had developed feelings for her and that their marriage would gradually make them like a real couple. Xu Qingjia took the opportunity to visit Gao Zheng's former lover, Yu Niang.
) The contents of the conversation were reconfirmed. In the conversation with Tama Musume, hidden words were used, and the meaning that the real ledger was not in Tamashunro, but in someone's hands was hidden.
Xu Qingjia took Gao Zheng to Yuchun Pavilion and asked him directly why Yu Niang was helping Zhu County Magistrate. He also asked if there were any financial problems with Yu Niang.
When asked, Yu Niang looked a little hesitant. But the next moment, her expression returned to that of a former, and she even offered to tell Xu Qingjia where the real ledger was if he married her.
2024/07/03 20:12 KST
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