China's e-commerce logistics index rose to 114.8 points in June for the fourth consecutive month - Chinese media
On the 4th, the China Logistics Purchasing Federation announced that China's E-Commerce Logistics Index for June rose 0.9 points from the previous month to 114.8.
In June, the demand and supply in the e-commerce logistics market increased significantly, leading to a growth rate of the e-commerce logistics index.
By item, the total workload index increased by 3.1 points to 132.9. By region, the total workload index increased in all regions nationwide.
The western region saw the largest increase, while the eastern region exceeded the national average. The rural e-commerce logistics business index also rose rapidly, increasing 2.4 points year-on-year to 132.1.
The total business volume and rural business volume index both increased by more than 30% compared to the same month last year. Experts say that the large-scale EC promotional activities in June have subsided, and
We expect e-commerce logistics demand to slow slightly in July, but we believe the e-commerce logistics market will remain active due to the rapid increase in consumer demand.
2024/07/05 15:41 KST
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