The Democratic Party of Korea tells Prosecutor General Lee Yun-bye, who opposes the impeachment, to ”thoroughly investigate Kim's wife” (South Korea)
On the 6th, the Democratic Party of Korea responded to Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok, who criticized the impeachment of the prosecutors as an illegal act, by saying, "We will not put up a false front and will continue to investigate the wife of Kim Kun-hee, who is a living power.
"The head of the agency has come forward to attack the legislature over disciplinary measures for public officials that are shrouded in corruption allegations, and this is the first time that the government has been able to do so," spokesman Han Min-soo said at a briefing.
"Where is it in the world?" Han said. "Is it the same lethargic prosecutor general from May? When the entire prosecution team was cut off from the investigation into Kim's wife, he couldn't even offer a single defense.
"There was no investigation, and now the National Assembly is going to impeach the prosecutors who investigated the corrupt prosecutors. Are you talking about the rule of law?" he said.
When the proposal was made, President Lee Yun-pyo responded by saying, "In other countries where the rule of law is established, this will become an overseas topic," and said he would look into whether it was illegal.
Regarding the collective backlash within the prosecution over the impeachment of the prosecutors, Han said, "The prosecution has gone beyond a sense of privilege and is steeped in a sense of prioritization.
"Do they think that they are not public servants, but that they are sacred and inviolable beings above the law?" he continued. "Why is it necessary to impeach the prosecutors for their actions that are different from what they said before Prosecutor General Lee Won-bye?
"The prosecutors' collective action clearly demonstrates the need for prosecutorial reform," he said.
2024/07/06 20:53 KST
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