Russia and North Korea expand military cooperation; will North Korea send troops to Ukraine?
As Russia continues its military invasion of Ukraine, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported on the 6th that North Korean soldiers may be sent to Ukraine.
According to a report from the IMF, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun to send troops to Ukraine during a summit with Kim.
The two leaders held a summit at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia's Far East in September last year. Kim expressed support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and President Putin also attended a mass.
Russia has also suggested providing Russian-related technology to North Korea, highlighting the military cooperation between the two countries. Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February 2017, and fierce fighting is still ongoing.
In the midst of this, ammunition stocks have not kept up with consumption, and Russia is believed to be securing ammunition from North Korea. When Kim visited Russia in September last year, he was accompanied by many influential military officials and those in charge of the defense industry.
It has been confirmed that the two sides have agreed to the supply of weapons, but that the deployment of troops will be discussed at a later date. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, in the meeting, President Putin requested military support in addition to the supply of weapons. Kim Jong Un agreed to the supply of weapons, but said that the deployment of troops would be "subject to further discussion."
"We need to discuss this," he said, without clarifying his stance. Last month, President Putin visited North Korea as a state guest. This was the first time in 24 years that Putin had visited North Korea since July 2000.
At the time, CNN reported, "It was a scene that foreshadowed the deepening of cooperation between Russia and North Korea, amid international concerns about the strengthening of military cooperation between the two countries, which share a common antipathy toward the West."
The two leaders signed the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which specifies that Russia will provide military assistance to North Korea if either the two sides enter a state of war. The treaty has 23 clauses.
Article 4 of the agreement recognizes the right of collective self-defense under the UN Charter and in accordance with the laws of each country, stating that "in the event of armed invasion by either side and a state of war, both sides will immediately use all means at their disposal to defend themselves against armed attack by other nations, including the use of force by the United Nations."
Article 8 states that "we will provide military and other assistance to the United Nations, including to the People's Republic of China, to the People's Republic of Korea, and ...
"The treaty is a step forward for Russia, and we are confident that it will contribute to the development of the North Korean military," the statement said.
In response, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the 28th of last month. Many countries expressed concerns about the new treaty. Robert
"Everyone here has serious concerns," said U.N. Ambassador Wood. U.N. Ambassador Kazuyuki Yamazaki also said the new treaty "is of grave concern to the international community." Meanwhile, Russia's Vladimir Putin has
U.N. Ambassador Shiry Nebenzia said the new treaty "will reduce the risk of a recurrence of war on the Korean peninsula." North Korean U.N. Ambassador Kim Song said the treaty "will strengthen cooperation with Russia."
The treaty concluded between Russia and North Korea can be considered a new military alliance, and amid concerns over the further expansion of military cooperation, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 6th of this month that "North Korea has
"There is a growing view that the North Korean government may send military forces, such as engineer units, to the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine," the report said.
According to the newspaper, based on interviews with sources familiar with Russian-North Korean relations, President Putin also asked Kim Jong Un again about the dispatch of troops during his visit to North Korea last month.
The US and South Korean governments are closely watching the future movements of Russia and North Korea. Meanwhile, President Putin said on the 20th of last month, "We are not seeking to use each other's capabilities in this conflict, and no one
"I'm not proposing it. It's not necessary," he said, indicating that he sees no need to send North Korean soldiers to Ukraine.
2024/07/08 10:59 KST
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