North Korea: Is the Kim Jung Eun era beginning? Following portraits, badges appear
A badge with a portrait of North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun was first spotted on the 30th of last month. A photo published on the same day in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper, the Workers' Party of Korea's official newspaper, showed:
It can be seen that the officials attending the Party Central Committee General Meeting wore a "portrait badge" with Kim's portrait on their chest. In May, a school for training party officials was also given a "portrait badge" with Kim's portrait on it.
The portrait is displayed alongside those of Kim's father, Kim Jong-il, and grandfather, Kim Il-sung, and is said to be spurring the idolization of Kim in North Korea.
It is seen. North Korean officials and residents always wear portrait badges, which are a symbol of the idolization of the Kim family, unless there are special circumstances. The badges are made of aluminum and there are said to be dozens of different types. South Korea
According to Yonhap News Agency, the Kim Il-sung badges have been issued since 1970. Meanwhile, the Kim Jong-il badge was made in 1992 to coincide with his 50th birthday and was initially a single badge.
Only the department's executives wore them, and it was only in the 2000s that residents began wearing them as well. Currently, residents and executives wear badges featuring the faces of both Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il side by side.
However, a photo published in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper on the 30th of last month showed that all the officials attending the party's Central Committee plenary session held in Pyongyang the previous day were wearing badges with Kim Jong Un's face on them.
It can be seen that Kim Jong Un's badge has been around since 2012, but this is the first time that a party official has been seen wearing the "Kim Jong Un badge" at an official event.
The badges are a replacement for the usual ones used for Kim Il Sung and Kim Il Jong Il, and are believed to be intended to elevate Kim Jong Un's status. There have been a number of attempts to idolize Kim Jong Un recently.
The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published an article on Stream reporting that Kim Jong Un attended the completion ceremony of the Central Staff School of the Workers' Party of Korea. Photos in the article showed that Kim Jong Un's portrait was on the exterior wall of the school and on the blackboard in the classroom.
It was confirmed that the portrait of Kim Jong Un was hung alongside those of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. This was the first time that an official report confirmed that Kim Jong Un's portrait was hung alongside his grandfather and father.
The article was published not only in the Korean Central News Agency, a media outlet for foreigners, but also in the Rodong Sinmun, which is accessible to North Korean residents. Following Kim Jong-il's passing away (December 17, 2011), Kim Jong-un took over as head of the government.
More than 10 years have passed since then, but Kim Jong Un is gradually moving to establish his own ideological system. Since the fall of 2020, state media has begun to refer to Kim Jong Un as "leader."
The title "leader" was originally used only for Il Sung. In an editorial published in October of that year by the Rodong Sinmun and the party's theoretical magazine "Workers," it was stated, "Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un has led our party for the people.
"He is a great leader of the people who will continue to strengthen and develop as a revolutionary party that serves the people with self-sacrifice (abandoning self-interests)."
The expression gradually became more pronounced, with the title "Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the outstanding leader and great father of the people." Changes were also seen in the hanging of portraits, and at the January 2021 exhibition
At the party congress, the portraits of Il Sung and Kim Jong Il that had hung in the center of the conference hall at the previous congress were no longer there, and the party rules revised at the congress contained significantly less descriptions of the two men's achievements.
A photo of Kim Jong Un was hanging in the lobby of the conference hall. The biggest holiday in North Korea, April 15th, the birthday of Kim Il Sung, also saw some changes this year.
The media rarely used the term "Day of the Sun" as in previous years, instead calling it "April's famous holiday." The term "Day of the Sun" was first used in 1997, after Il Sung's death.
The sun represents the "sole leader" and is believed to be intended to deify him. This change seen this year has left the impression that, along with the idolization of Kim Jong-un, there is also a movement to de-deify Kim Il-sung.
This time, party officials were spotted wearing Kim Jong Un's badge, suggesting that the idolization of Kim is gaining momentum. According to Yonhap News Agency,
Hong Min, a research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification, a government think tank, told Yonhap News, "There is a high possibility that idolization will be significantly reflected in various areas, such as the constitution and party rules."
He showed me the way.
2024/07/01 11:04 KST
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