<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”I'll Tell You the Truth!?” Episode 1 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes...Ko Kyung Pyo is suddenly attacked by a man and pushed against a desk = Behind the Scenes and Synopsis
*This contains spoilers and synopsis. *There is a making-of video on the Wowkorea page. From the beginning of the video to 2:26.
This time, we start with Ko KyungPyo posing with children in the newsroom.
The children were instructed by the director and practiced their acting. During breaks in filming, the director played with the children.
When the shooting started, Ko Kyung Pyo's expression became serious and he filmed the closing comment for the news. After the children finished filming and went home, the filming of the exclusive scene continued.
"Hi. This is JBC's noon news," he said, then filmed a grim expression. Ko Kyung Pyo, checking the monitor, commented on his expression, "You do look frustrated if you shave your eyebrows like this."
"It would be better if you opened your eyes in a stronger and more serious way. The news is serious, but your expression is relaxed," said Ko Kyung Pyo, who responded, "I'd like to make the atmosphere a little more serious.
"Please let me," he said with a bitter smile. After that, Ko Kyung Pyo tried to look serious, but he couldn't stop laughing. After that, in a scene with a female actress, Naeun-sama, he said, "Hey, hey, it's not your husband.
"Is it a joke?" he said, exclaiming with a comical look of fear. Then came the action scene in which Ki-baek was pinned down by a man who had broken into the room. First, he practiced with the staff. After that, he practiced the movements with the actors.
At the same time, she even adjusted the strength of her hand by saying, "Please press a little harder." ●Reactions from Korean Internet users● "Ko KyungPyo has a gentle expression" "Comical acting seems difficult"
"It's hard to express all those different expressions." "I want to see more of the making of." "The casting is fresh." ●Synopsis●
In the first episode of "Honestly!?" (viewer rating 1.9%), Woo-joo (Kang HanNa) and Ki-baek (Go Kyung-young)
Ina (Patricia) carefully watched Wooju and said, "The listeners are teasing me that I'm the DJ for the day. Do you want to listen?" and played the radio for Wooju. At that moment,
The PD sent a message of apology to Kibaek, who was hosting Geo, saying, "I'm sorry." Kibaek confidently began reciting a poem that was full of difficult-to-read animal sounds, and Wooju
"Are there really poems like this? Is the diction really that good? Gi-baek? That spoiled brat? His voice is so good," she said, her eyes shining.
Wooju said, "Come to think of it, I've never seen you on a variety show."
As he said this, he looked at Ki-baek's profile again. He also heard from other writers that Ki-baek would not be appearing on variety shows, and said, "Variety shows are for inviting people like that to change things."


2024/07/13 10:47 KST
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