Lotte Department Store, Korea, actively uses AI in everything from internal operations to cleaning and content creation
Lotte Department Store is using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in its operations. To start with, the company is using the Lotte Group's AI platform "Aimmember" to analyze its internal operations manuals.
The company has started operating a chatbot on its website, "Ember." When users ask questions, AI provides answers on topics ranging from accounting to product display. As of June 28, the results showed that it took 10 minutes to search for the desired information.
The time required for this has been reduced to just a few seconds. Starting in July, the generation AI "Chat GPT" will be installed in the internal business collaboration tool "Chandi." It can be used to generate text to be placed in advertisements, generate emails to partner companies, and generate document requirements.
At the end of June, Lotte Wedding Members, a wedding-focused service, started using the generative AI "Mid-Journey" to create visual content.
They used Midjourney, which eliminated the need to arrange equipment, models, and locations, and while reducing production time, they were able to increase the amount of content they produced by 60%.
Going forward, the company plans to introduce AI cleaning robots and AI surveillance cameras (CCTV) to 18 stores, including department stores and shopping malls, by the end of July.
The company is considering trial operation of a four-legged AI walking and patrolling robot with an automatic driving function within the year. "By fully utilizing generative AI, we can improve work efficiency by at least 10% even in the initial stage," the company said.
"It will be a great boost," he said.
2024/07/16 09:09 KST
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