On the 28th, Eun Boa wrote on SNS, "This trip I didn't want to go home... Seohoon's father had a lot of daddy fun with his five kids... but on the last day, I gave him a bit of free time so that he would remember that day... During dad's free time, I also saw the kids and tried to take some pictures of the three of them in an overt way.... I wish I could have stayed a few more days...", he wrote, and posted a photo of his recent life.
The published photo shows the couple taking a photo with their two children on a hotel balcony, and their friendly relationship makes viewers feel relaxed.
Oh Ji-ho and Eun Boa got married in 2014 and have a daughter, Oh Seo-hoon, and a son, Oh Ju-wan.
2024/07/28 10:33 KST
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