According to News 1, US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he will stockpile Bitcoin as a strategic asset and never sell it.
He made the remarks while attending the Bitcoin 2024 conference held in Nashville on the 27th (local time).
He said the US government currently plans to stockpile the bitcoins it has seized rather than sell them, and advised investors not to sell their bitcoins either.
However, he stopped short of proposing a Federal Reserve system for digital currencies such as Bitcoin.
By contrast, third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who attended the same conference, pledged to take a closer look at the bitcoins already seized by the U.S. government, starting with about
He promised to collect 4 million bitcoins to be used as the Federal Reserve. He said the government would purchase 550 bitcoins every day until the total reached 4 million.
Trump, in contrast, has only expressed his views on cryptocurrency. He said he would make the United States the cryptocurrency capital of the world and that he would appoint crypto-unfriendly Securities and Exchange Commission President Gary Gensler to the helm.
He added that he would dismiss the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
2024/07/29 11:20 KST
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