Bobby, founder and CEO of cold wallet company Ballet Crypto
Lee advised not to hesitate to buy Bitcoin.
He is also the founder of Bitcoin China (BTCC), China's first cryptocurrency exchange.
According to the latest episode of the CryptoNews Podcast on the 28th (local time), Lee
In an exclusive interview with budding entrepreneur Matt Zahab, he emphasized that the predictions he made in his book about cryptocurrency exchange-traded index funds (ETFs) have come true.
Lee advises not to wait to buy Bitcoin because the price will rise as governments and corporations add it to their asset lists.
Lee's book, "The Promise of Bitcoin," was published in 2021. The book contains several predictions made by the author, one of which is
The latest is about ETFs. "My predictions have come true almost exactly. I predicted that ETFs would be launched within three years, which was really crazy," Lee said.
"There was no reason why it couldn't be approved by law and regulation, because there is an ETF for everything."
Another notable factor is that the United States generally leads global markets.
After the U.S. approved a Bitcoin spot ETF, Hong Kong has already approved several ETFs. "More ETFs will be approved around the world," Li said.
Lee argued that the best way to understand the value of Bitcoin is to understand the value of gold. Gold and Bitcoin are both scarce, permissionless, and somewhat
The two cryptocurrencies are similar in many ways, including being highly decentralized, open to anyone, and not backed by a government.
Lie Lee, a former investor in gold, said, "If you look at the history of money and gold, you can see how gold became the de facto money in different parts of the world.
"We believe Bitcoin will be that global reserve asset class," he said. He also called Germany's recent massive sell-off of Bitcoin "one of the stupidest moves."
"It will take five to 10 years for them to realize that," Lee said. "Until every country, every government, every politician, every company is on board,
"Don't wait. Bitcoin is currently around $65,000, but if you wait, it will rise to $5 million," he said.
2024/07/29 14:30 KST
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