US media analyzes Korean Peninsula war scenario... ”Millions of people would die and the global economy would suffer”
An analysis has been published stating that if a war broke out between South and North Korea on the Korean Peninsula, millions of people would die and economic losses would exceed $4 trillion. According to the analysis, a war on the Korean Peninsula would:
It is a disaster that cannot be compared to the war between Russia and Ukraine, and it will also cause a downturn in the global economy.
Analytical firm Bloomberg Economics used aggregate model analysis, which can comprehensively reflect a variety of variables, to predict the possibility of an all-out war on the Korean Peninsula and the extent of the damage that would result from it.
According to this prediction, the probability of an all-out war between South and North Korea on the Korean Peninsula is extremely low, but it is not zero.
Last month, Russian President Putin visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years and
His meeting with North Korea's leader, Kim Jung Eun, revived Cold War-era partnerships, forged new defense pacts and added new dangers to the world.
South Korea is a major semiconductor producer that sits on a geopolitical fault line, and the human and economic costs of war would be enormous if it were to break out, Bloomberg reported.
An all-out war could kill millions of people and cost the global economy $4 trillion in damage in the first year, or 3.9% of GDP.
During the Korean War in 1950, the combined economies of South and North Korea accounted for less than 0.4% of world GDP; today, South Korea alone accounts for 1.5%.
Even this is a gross underestimate, given South Korea's importance in key supply chains. The greater South Korean capital region, within range of North Korean artillery, contains roughly half the South Korean population.
The capital area is responsible for 81% of South Korea's semiconductor production and 34% of its total manufacturing production.
The manufactured products are shipped from multiple ports, including Busan Port, to China, Japan, Europe, and Asia.
Samsung Electronics, one of the world's 30 largest companies based on market capitalization, produces 41% of the world's DRAM semiconductors and 33% of NAND memory.
The weapons are exported to a range of companies, from the likes of Samsung Electronics to China's Xiaomi. Kim Jong Un could also launch a nuclear attack if he felt there was an existential threat to his regime.
According to a study by the Korea Institute for Defense Studies, North Korea is estimated to possess between 80 and 90 warheads capable of conducting nuclear attacks on South Korea, Japan and even the United States.
In the event of an all-out war, the South Korean economy is predicted to shrink by 37.5 percent as industrial production and exports are hit hard.
China is also expected to experience a 5% decline in its GDP due to a shortage of semiconductor supplies and a decline in trade with the United States.
The semiconductor shortage and market crash will hit GDP down by 2.3%. Global GDP will fall by 3.9%, but the world, which is highly dependent on Korean semiconductors and vulnerable to disruptions in maritime logistics, will be hit hard.
South-east Asia, Japan, and Taiwan are expected to suffer heavy losses. All scenarios for a Korean Peninsula war end with Kim Jong Un dead and North Korea in ruins.
2024/07/30 05:59 KST
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