North Korean leader Kim Jong Un refuses assistance from neighboring countries and international organizations: flood damage recovery ”with our own efforts”
North Korea was hit by unprecedented flood damage late last month. General Secretary Kim Jung Eun has emphasized his intention to accelerate recovery, but has also expressed concern over the support shown by neighboring countries and international organizations.
He firmly declined the offer of aid, saying, "We will carve out a future for ourselves." He told residents that it would take at least two or three months to rebuild their homes, but he said he was considering options such as China and Russia, with which he has close ties.
So far, they have not shown any intention to accept the offer of assistance from Russian President Putin. Is recovery really possible without the support of the international community?
At the end of last month, heavy rains caused flooding in the Amnokkan River, which runs along the border between China and North Korea.
It was reported that about 4,100 households were flooded in Sinuiju and other areas in the west, and damage was caused to 3,000 chobu (1 cho is 3,000 tsubo) of farmland, buildings, roads, and railways.
On the 1st of this month, the South Korean Ministry of Unification released photos of North Korea before and after the flood. In the photos after the flood, fields and railway tracks can be seen submerged in water.
An official from the Ministry of Unification said, "There is a possibility that considerable human casualties have occurred." Meanwhile, North Korea's Central Television broadcast a broadcast on the 31st of last month showing Kim Jong Un inspecting the northern part of the country, which was hit hardest by flooding.
Kim got on a rubber boat and looked at the scene with a grim expression, but an ashtray was prepared on the boat and Kim never let go of his cigarette during the inspection.
Following the investigation, the Rodong Sinmun, the organ of the Workers' Party of Korea, published a feature article on the 6th with the headline "Dear People, Do You All Know? The Dedication of Our Great Father." The article described Kim Jong Un's visit to the disaster area.
He emphasized, "I got on a rubber boat to personally experience the pain of the people who loved the people and lost their precious homes where beautiful lives and memories were kept, and to plan restoration measures on the ground."
The article quoted a victim's voice, saying, "'Even though our people have lost all their homes and property, as long as the former marshal is with us, we have nothing to fear or envy in this world.'"
The series of local reports appears to be aimed at instilling in the public the impression that Kim is "close to the people."
The South Korean government announced its support through the Korean Red Cross on the 1st.
According to Yonhap News, Vice Minister of Unification Kim Su-kyung appeared on Yonhap News TV on the 2nd and said that North Korea is ready to discuss the details of the talks and methods with the North Korean side.
"We hope that if the North responds, it will be a great help in easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula," Kim said, adding, "Regardless of the political situation,
"We ask that you respond to South Korea's sincere proposal, as the residents are in a humanitarian crisis," he said. However, on the 2nd, Kim Jong Un visited the HYERI helicopter unit engaged in disaster relief efforts.
When asked about the number of dead and missing, he criticized, "Right now, the trash media of the enemy (South Korea) is spreading fabricated public opinion." He denied the South Korean media reports that the number of dead and missing was between 1,000 and 1,500.
He then indicated his intention to reject the South Korean offer of assistance. Other neighboring countries and international organizations have also expressed their intention to provide assistance, but Kim has not shown any intention to accept it at this time.
On the 3rd, Russian President Putin sent a message of condolence to Kim. He expressed his readiness to provide humanitarian assistance, but Kim responded by saying, "At this most difficult time, I want to fully express my special feelings for a true friend."
"I felt a strong connection with Russia," he said, but added that "whenever I need help, I will turn to Moscow, our most gracious friend."
According to the Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang, Chinese Ambassador to North Korea Wang Yajun visited Sinuiju, North Korea, which has been hit hard by floods, on the 8th.
According to a report by the Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo, Ambassador Wang stated, "As a traditional and friendly neighbor, China is willing to provide necessary assistance to North Korea for the relief of victims and reconstruction work." However,
The newspaper reported that experts believe that it is unlikely that North Korea will accept this at this time. Kim visited Sinuiju, which was hit hardest by the disaster, on the 8th and 9th, and visited temporary housing facilities where disaster victims are staying.
Kim Jong Un inspected the tents. He spoke to the victims and announced his intention to deploy 130,000 soldiers and other personnel to accelerate the recovery effort. He also said that due to the scale of the damage, only a small number of people will be able to rebuild houses.
He predicted that it would take two to three months, but he also said he would refuse offers of humanitarian aid from neighboring countries and international organizations, saying, "We will pave the way with our own strength and efforts."
The aim is thought to be to demonstrate the government's determination to complete the recovery, but if the recovery work does not progress as expected, it could end up increasing local dissatisfaction.
2024/08/13 13:57 KST
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