A spokesman for South Korea's Ministry of Unification said at a press conference on the same day, "This proposal was made directly and specifically by the president to hold dialogue with North Korea, and it is a dialogue without any clear preconditions.
"Since the two sides have set out this principle and made clear their willingness to hold working-level dialogue without burdening either side, we believe that North Korea will also need to give this a careful consideration."
In addition to the three major unification visions of "freedom, peace, and prosperity," President Yoon stated in the unification doctrine that he will "revitalize the unification program," "make efforts to improve human rights in North Korea," and "promote humanitarian efforts."
The plan includes seven major action plans: "Support for the peace and stability of the Republic of Korea," "Expanding the right of North Korean residents to access information," "Reflecting the role of North Korean defectors," "Establishing a dialogue and consultation body between the authorities of North and South Korea," and "Establishing an international Korean peninsula forum."
2024/08/19 17:09 KST
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