≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」2話、裏社会を牛耳る黒幕組織を解消するために結成された指導チームと面会する安欣=あらすじ・ネタバレ
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” EP2, a team of leaders formed to eliminate the underworld's underworld Meeting Anshin = Synopsis and spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In "Beginning" EP2, An meets with a leadership team formed to eliminate the black organization that controls the underworld.
In 2021, Xu Zhong, the head of a leadership team formed to investigate the model city of Jinghai and dismantle the underworld's underworld-controlling black organization, was portrayed.
After their first meeting with An Xin, Team Leader Zhong (Wu Gang) and his deputy team leader Ji Ze (Ji Zhou) were unable to trust each other for a while.
When Zhang learned that the leadership team was coming, he cleaned up his house and handed it over to the leadership team. He ordered Xu Zhong and Ji Ze to visit An Xin's former and report the situation. An Xin responded to the results of this investigation with
Seeing An Xin's lack of confidence, Xu Zhong told him that he had come to Jinghai to eradicate the clandestine organization.
In 2000, prostitute Huang Cui-Cui was murdered and found dead in the body.
An Xin was in charge of the investigation of Li Xiang and Huang Cuicui, detectives from the Jinghai Public Security Bureau. Meanwhile, Gao Qiqiang, who had been released, returned to the market and was once again harassed by Tang Xiaolong.
The Tang brothers ask Gao Qiqiang about his relationship with An Xin, and Gao Qiqiang lies and says they have a good relationship. When the Tang brothers find out that An Xin is close to someone from the Public Security Bureau, they change their attitude.
The store change was put on hold. Meanwhile, the police found a suspect in the case. An Xin volunteered to go undercover to the detention center.
2024/09/01 19:08 KST
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