≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」3話、高啓強の弟である高啟盛が京海でPHSのお店を開こうとする=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” EP3, Gao Qiqiang's younger brother Gao Qisheng tries to open a PHS shop in Jinghai = Synopsis Plot/Spoiler
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 3 of "Beginning," Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, Gao Qisheng, is shown trying to open a PHS store in Jinghai.
In 2021, An Xin comes to Gao Qiqiang's house with Xu Zhong and Ji Ze. Xu Zhong tells An Xin that if he could go back to the past,
He asked Gao Qiqiang if he would share his meal with her again if he could. An Xin replied that the decision he made at the time was his own and that he would not necessarily do the same thing again.
In 2000, Anxin was held captive by a suspect in the case. After being released from the detention center, the suspect suspected Anxin to be a police officer and tortured him. He continued to hold Anxin in a sand pit.
The suspect took An Xin to a karaoke bar, where he met Meng Yu (Li Yi), the daughter of the deputy mayor of Jinghai City and the head of the Public Security Bureau.
An Xin reports the whole incident to the head of the criminal investigation unit, Zeng Zhuan. Zeng Zhuan points out that there is a problem with organized crime at the sand pit, and Li Xiang tells him that
They reported the results of their investigation to the leadership team, and Meng Dehai (Zhang Qijian) ordered the investigation to continue.
Gao Qisheng (Su Xiaoding) suddenly moved to Beijing.
Returning to the sea, Gao Qisheng tells Gao Qiqiang that he wants to sell PHS in Jinghai. Gao Qiqiang is furious after hearing what his brother has said.
2024/09/02 23:20 KST
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