Actor Yu A In, who is a ”habitual drug user,” is arrested in court and given a one-year prison sentence...Netflix release on hold
Actor Yu A In, who is suspected of habitual drug use, was sentenced to one year in prison in the first trial and was detained in court. At 2 p.m. on the 3rd (today), the Seoul Central District Court, Criminal Division 25-1,
The first sentencing hearing for Yu A In, who was indicted on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Law, and her acquaintance Choi, took place. On this day, Yu A In was wearing a short hairstyle and a neat black skirt.
Yu A In appeared in court wearing a t-shirt. He was bombarded with questions from reporters, but he did not respond and just walked into the building. The court sentenced Yu A In to one year in prison and a 2 million won fine.
Yu A In was sentenced to 8 months in prison with a 2-year suspended sentence, and her acquaintance, Choi, was sentenced to 8 months in prison with a 2-year suspended sentence. Before the indictment, Yu A In had avoided arrest twice, but was eventually arrested in the first trial.
Damn. Meanwhile, the official position of "The Battle" and "High Five" in which he appears remains unchanged. In an interview with a Korean media outlet, Netflix said, "At this stage, the release of "The Battle" has not been decided.
is currently on hold for the time being," and added, "We ask for your understanding that it is difficult to disclose details related to the contract."
In addition, the distributor of "High Five," NEW, said, "We have no particular official position" and "We will continue to distribute the film as usual."
Meanwhile, Yu A In was found to have been a regular user of propofol and other drugs 181 times between September 2020 and March last year, and was found to have been intoxicated between May 2021 and August last year.
Yu A In's lawyer, while admitting to drug use, said that she was using drugs to treat depression, anxiety disorder, insomnia, etc.
He claimed that the purpose of the drug was for medical purposes. He was also accused of aiding and abetting the destruction of evidence and soliciting marijuana from acquaintances, but he denied these allegations.
2024/09/03 19:56 KST
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