South Korean prosecutors appeal one-year prison sentence given to actor Yu A In... ”Sentence does not reflect the seriousness of the crime”
South Korean prosecutors have filed an appeal against the one-year prison sentence given to actor Yu A In for alleged habitual drug use.
The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office indicted him on charges of habitual drug use and sentenced him to prison in the first trial.
Yu A In, who was sentenced to one year in prison and detained in court, announced on the 4th that she had filed an appeal against the first-instance ruling that sentenced her to one year in prison and a fine of 2 million won (approximately 200,000 yen).
"Despite the seriousness of Yu A In's crime, the sentence handed down to her was significantly less than the four-year prison sentence sought by the prosecution," the prosecution said.
He added, "A heavier sentence needs to be handed down in the appeal court, and that is why we have filed an appeal today."
Prior to this, Yu A In had been found guilty of regular use of propofol and other drugs 181 times between September 2020 and March 2022.
He is accused of illegally prescribing sleeping pills under other people's names 44 times between May 2021 and August 2022. After taking over the case from the police in June, the prosecution said Yu A In had
The court also found that he had instructed people to destroy evidence and forced the group to smoke marijuana in the United States.
"There is considerable room for difficulty. The crime was committed by taking advantage of weaknesses in the management methods stipulated in the relevant laws, and the nature of the crime is not good," he said, but added, "He has suffered from sleep disorders and depression for a long time,
"The main motive for his habitual use and acquisition of medical drugs was the pain of not being able to sleep, so there are some leniency points," the court said in explaining the sentencing.
2024/09/04 18:49 KST
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